Adventurous Romance or Romantic Adventure?

One of the challenges for a 21st century researcher having grown up with popular romantic fiction such as that published by Harlequin, and Mills & Boon, classified as ‘romance’, is turning their attention to the early 20th century where the innocuous word has an entirely different meaning. Certainly, to consider […]

To Be Continued… Podcast

Yes, it’s true. You can now learn about all the latest developments with the To Be Continued database, not only with the experts, but also with some amazing voice over artists and special sound effects through To Be Continued’ : A Lost Literature Podcast. Here’s the trailer:

An Aerial Adventure, or The Secrets of a Scientist by Victor D. A. Courtney

As previously posted, An Aerial Adventure, or The Secret of a Scientist, was a previously unknown, well to historians at any rate, story by the famed journalist and editor Victor Courtney. Written at some point between the ages of 13 and 15, likely with help from teachers, parents and editors, […]

The Secret of a Journalist

I’m so excited I can hardly contain the words. I’ve discovered a story in Trove that is of immense interest to me for two reasons. The first is, of course, that it is another space opera from 1909. The second is that it is a previously unknown story from a […]

A Trip to the Moon by F. N. 1908-1909

This story started with such promise. Representations of science, meeting aliens on the moon that were taller due to the gravity. I should have expected disappointment when after much scientific discussion about the dark side of the moon, the author, who only went by the initials F. N. wrote “How […]

Space Raiders by Barrington Beverley 1936

My PhD thesis will be written around the database To Be Continued. I’m very grateful to not only be using the information in the database, but also performing data entry enabling further stories to be added to the database. This is incredibly exciting as I get to see the fiction […]

The Dark Planet OCR lessons

Most of the chapters of this serial by Charles H. Hunt exist, however the OCR of those newspaper pages are not the best. Here is an excerpt from chapter IV, where the protagonist encounters the feathered humanoid aliens for the first time: c• HAPu i IV. It was not :long before […]

A Trip to the Moon

Attributed to ‘f. n’ and published in 1909 it features a man that suddenly finds himself on the moon and needs to make friends quickly to survive. Initially, I was drawn to the story due to the writer considering that the lower gravity of the moon would mean taller aliens […]

Found: Venus Calling by Frank H. Bodle

I should mention a space opera I found before The World’s Last Wonder (1901). Venus Calling by Frank H. Bodle (1934). This was retrieved using the keyphrase ‘space ship’. Unfortunately, it was the only one in the to be continued database that appeared for that phrase. Up until ‘space ship’, […]

About the To Be Continued Database

Professor Katherine Bode of the Australian National University created the To Be Continued database. She recently gave a presentation about it. You can watch it online here:

The World’s Last Wonder Chapter IV

As discussed in a previous blog post, I identified a great space opera story in Australian Newspaper Fiction from 1901. Unfortunately it was missing chapter IV. I am very grateful for the help of both the National Library of Australia and Melbourne University Library in finding the missing chapter. At […]

Research has begun

There are several parts to my PhD thesis. This blog will focus on one aspect which is the discovery and retrieval of speculative fiction from the To Be Continued Database in conjunction with the Trove database. I’m currently focused on retrieving space opera works from early 20th century newspapers. To […]

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