An Aerial Adventure, or The Secrets of a Scientist by Victor D. A. Courtney

As previously posted, An Aerial Adventure, or The Secret of a Scientist, was a previously unknown, well to historians at any rate, story by the famed journalist and editor Victor Courtney. Written at some point between the ages of 13 and 15, likely with help from teachers, parents and editors, […]

The Secret of a Journalist

I’m so excited I can hardly contain the words. I’ve discovered a story in Trove that is of immense interest to me for two reasons. The first is, of course, that it is another space opera from 1909. The second is that it is a previously unknown story from a […]

A Trip to the Moon by F. N. 1908-1909

This story started with such promise. Representations of science, meeting aliens on the moon that were taller due to the gravity. I should have expected disappointment when after much scientific discussion about the dark side of the moon, the author, who only went by the initials F. N. wrote “How […]

Space Raiders by Barrington Beverley 1936

My PhD thesis will be written around the database To Be Continued. I’m very grateful to not only be using the information in the database, but also performing data entry enabling further stories to be added to the database. This is incredibly exciting as I get to see the fiction […]

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