Global Awareness or Cosmic Awareness?

Currently I am looking for a particular thread that can pass through all 7 (possibly later 8) chapters in my PhD thesis. While all the chapters are connected with facts, I haven’t hit on one theoretical framework to link everything together, and I’m still looking at descriptions of content rather […]

Evolution of Intelligent Life

One of the incentives for some readers of science fiction is the opportunity to imagine a universe of alien civilizations – conceive in their mind’s eye many intelligent beings with completely different body forms, cultures, worlds, inventions and maybe even compatible food and drink sensations. It is the impetus for […]

The First Appearance of the Word Scientist in an Australian Newspaper

You may not be aware that ‘scientist’ is a made up word. It was created by the Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, England in 1834 by William Whewell as a combination of scientia (latin for knowledge) and artist to describe a cultivator of science. Generally, it takes a generation before […]

Automated Popular English Fiction Genre Classification System

I’m pleased to announce I’ve had some success with ChatGPT classifying texts into fiction genres. I used the ChatGPT API and a bespoke Python script. It was a bit expensive but as this was crucial to my entire PhD, worth it. If you’ve come straight to this post without knowing […]

Vintage SciFi Podcast

Recently, I had the opportunity to attend a publishing course that informed students on where to start with getting academic work published in book form. As a self publisher through Amazon and other online platforms since 2011 I was curious to know how different traditional publishing was. The course was […]

Why is researching old literary science fiction important?

I was asked this question from someone who doesn’t read fiction and they felt that if anyone is doing a PhD then the only thing they should be researching is something that changes lives, like cures for cancer, rather than something that simply answers questions on life, the universe, and […]

Australia’s First Science Fiction Story Was Published in 1832

Briefly mentioned by Van Ikin in his 1984 book “Australian Science Fiction”, the fiction story Australia Advanced; or Dialogues for the Year 2032 by Mephistopheles the Younger, first published in the Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser in May 1832 across 5 issues, has caught the imagination of many […]

Can I transition my SF interest into a job in the science fiction industry?

Let’s unpack those three statements a little. If there are millions of fans of science fiction around the world it stands to reason that a percentage of those want to buy science fiction products. It doesn’t matter which science fiction stream it is – hard science fiction, soft science fiction, […]

What was Science Fiction called in the early part of the 20th Century?

Science-Fiction In the early part of the 20th century, science fiction had yet to be defined as such. (Arguably, it is still yet to be defined!) While there were stories that could be defined as science fiction today, there weren’t yet enough of them for even the general public to […]

Adventurous Romance or Romantic Adventure?

One of the challenges for a 21st century researcher having grown up with popular romantic fiction such as that published by Harlequin, and Mills & Boon, classified as ‘romance’, is turning their attention to the early 20th century where the innocuous word has an entirely different meaning. Certainly, to consider […]

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