Evolution of Intelligent Life

One of the incentives for some readers of science fiction is the opportunity to imagine a universe of alien civilizations – conceive in their mind’s eye many intelligent beings with completely different body forms, cultures, worlds, inventions and maybe even compatible food and drink sensations. It is the impetus for […]

The First Appearance of the Word Scientist in an Australian Newspaper

You may not be aware that ‘scientist’ is a made up word. It was created by the Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, England in 1834 by William Whewell as a combination of scientia (latin for knowledge) and artist to describe a cultivator of science. Generally, it takes a generation before […]

Automated Popular English Fiction Genre Classification System

I’m pleased to announce I’ve had some success with ChatGPT classifying texts into fiction genres. I used the ChatGPT API and a bespoke Python script. It was a bit expensive but as this was crucial to my entire PhD, worth it. If you’ve come straight to this post without knowing […]

Vintage SciFi Podcast

Recently, I had the opportunity to attend a publishing course that informed students on where to start with getting academic work published in book form. As a self publisher through Amazon and other online platforms since 2011 I was curious to know how different traditional publishing was. The course was […]

Why is researching old literary science fiction important?

I was asked this question from someone who doesn’t read fiction and they felt that if anyone is doing a PhD then the only thing they should be researching is something that changes lives, like cures for cancer, rather than something that simply answers questions on life, the universe, and […]

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